Special loans by SBI for ” Green Homes”
SBI is the first bank in India to offer Green Home Loan.Following are the details.Now any green citizen who would like to construct a new green home, he can get these concessions and also when he/she buys green energy products like solar water heater,soalr home lighting system,solar power pack,etc, again capital subsidy and interest subsidy can be availed from the same bank as NABARD Solar Loan is applicable through all commercial banks and RRBs.
SBI Green Home Loan
State Bank of India has adopted a Green Banking Policy with an objective of contributing towards the fight against the adverse climate change. One of the initiatives approved by the Board for this purpose is incentivizing customers who go in for Green Projects, i.e. those projects which reduce Carbon Emissions and promote Renewable Energy. “Green Housing” or “Green Home” is one of the types of projects identified for this purpose.
Solar energy is all about harnessing the power of the sun to produce energy.